The Bridge - Youth Ministry
Guiding our youth to mature in love and boldness for the Kingdom of God.
The youth years are critical in forming a solid faith that is founded on Christ's teaching, death, and resurrection. As children become teens, they move away from a dependency on parents and begin to seek approval from peers and society. They start asking questions looking for true and meaningful answers. Without a clear direction, Satan can use the world to cloud the answers to questions such as "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" It can be easy to lose focus on the eternal and to begin looking at life through the world's eyes.
But we know the truth and power of the Gospel! How it transforms and directs us onto the narrow road that leads to life! It's essential that we be teaching our teens the Good News of Christ and the hope and purpose that He brings. The teaching teens receive and the relationships they form at this age will impact the direction of their lives, and our prayer is that the Bridge will continue to foster disciples and Christ centered friendships for the furthering of God's Kingdom. We hope you will join us on this mission as we work to pack the narrow road!
But we know the truth and power of the Gospel! How it transforms and directs us onto the narrow road that leads to life! It's essential that we be teaching our teens the Good News of Christ and the hope and purpose that He brings. The teaching teens receive and the relationships they form at this age will impact the direction of their lives, and our prayer is that the Bridge will continue to foster disciples and Christ centered friendships for the furthering of God's Kingdom. We hope you will join us on this mission as we work to pack the narrow road!

Youth meeting times
Sunday 9:30-10am
Join us for time spent in the Word and various other studies for equipping teens to live a godly life.
Wednesday 5:30-7:30pm
Nothing like a time of praise! Join us Wednesdays for song, fellowship, and a teaching.